Create an App

  1. To interact with MeherY API’s you will need to create API keys.
  2. To Create API keys login to your Admin Panel
  3. Use Left Menu to Navigate to Client Apps Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 8 09 51 PM
  4. Click on Create App on right top, you will be prompted to provide details about app Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 8 11 08 PM
  5. To use API’s set AppType as Webhook
  6. Enter all details and save to see generated API key. Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 8 14 20 PM

  7. Copy and store Id and Key securely, you will not be able to retrieve it later.
  8. For all Apis you can use this API key in header.
  9. Queue Code can be used to change routing of inbound messages for particular session.